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Rehabilitation PathwaysWRDATF > Prime for Life

Prime for Life

Information on Prime for Life

WRDTF promotion piece on Prime For Life

Information on Prime for Life

Prime For Life Poster

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Prime For Life Poster

What is Prime for Life?

Prime for life is an evidence-based programme that helps participants to reflect on their current use of substances and examine the risks relating to those choices.

Who should attend?

People who book a place on the PFL programme may have been directed to do so by their Probation worker, Solicitor, or a Judge. Other people attend simply because they are curious to understand more about how much risk their alcohol or drug use may be creating for them.

What PFL is and isn't...

PFL looks at over 20 years of research that helps us understand more about how alcohol and other drug use can cause problems and more importantly how future problems can be avoided. PFL uses interactive tools such as animations and use of the participant manual to guide participants through the programme. PFL is not a "recovery" type group. Nobody who attends needs to disclose the exact circumstances behind their decision to complete the programme. PFL is not a 10-hour lecture. PFL does not try to convince people to make changes.